Ambatchmasterpublisher Star Trek watch in amazement!
Battle of Ambatchmasterpublisher Toilet Brushes...
"To go where no toilet brush has gone before..."
"What is it? Is it a constellation?"
"Ambatchmasterpublisher Destroy! Destroy!"
"Red alert, Ambatchmasterpublisher toilet brush attack!"
"Space, the final frontier..."
"These are the voyages of the Toiletship Enterprise..."
Music goes, "Whooaaa whooaaa...oohhhh....ahah (high crecendo).
Hey, is this alien consti-pation sound?
"What the hell is going on, in there?"
"Direct hit, sir!"
"Maintain course, FIRE! Rocket!@grkirgeik"
Aiyah! Doomsday! Ambatchmasterpublisher Star Trek go toilet!